The execution of commands is primarily verified in AWS Cloud9.
If you would like to provide command examples, please submit them through the contact form.
You may also use this form to request corrections for the listed command examples.
Determine the language of the text
aws comprehend detect-dominant-language \
--text "$text"
"Languages": [
"LanguageCode": "ja",
"Score": 1.0
by ton
Determine the language of the text and translate it to English
lang=$(aws comprehend detect-dominant-language \
--text "$text" \
--query 'Languages[0].LanguageCode' \
--output text)
aws translate translate-text \
--source-language-code $lang \
--target-language-code "en" \
--text "$text" \
--query 'TranslatedText'
"Time is money"
by ton
Determine the language of the text and analyze the syntax
text="Time is money"
lang=$(aws comprehend detect-dominant-language \
--text "$text" \
--query 'Languages[0].LanguageCode' \
--output text)
aws comprehend detect-syntax \
--language-code $lang \
--text "$text"
"SyntaxTokens": [
"TokenId": 1,
"Text": "Time",
"BeginOffset": 0,
"EndOffset": 4,
"PartOfSpeech": {
"Tag": "NOUN",
"Score": 1.0
"TokenId": 2,
"Text": "is",
"BeginOffset": 5,
"EndOffset": 7,
"PartOfSpeech": {
"Tag": "VERB",
"Score": 1.0
"TokenId": 3,
"Text": "money",
"BeginOffset": 8,
"EndOffset": 13,
"PartOfSpeech": {
"Tag": "NOUN",
"Score": 1.0
by anonymous