【AWS CLI Samples】CloudTrail


The execution of commands is primarily verified in AWS Cloud9.
If you would like to provide command examples, please submit them through the contact form.
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List times and users who attempted to launch EC2 in the last 90 days

aws cloudtrail lookup-events \
--lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=RunInstances \
--query 'Events[*].[EventTime, Username] | map(&[], @)' \
--output text


2024-05-10T07:00:19+09:00     i-5203422c
2024-05-10T07:00:19+09:00     AutoScaling
2024-05-09T07:00:16+09:00     UserA
2024-05-09T07:00:13+09:00     UserB
2024-05-08T07:00:16+09:00     UserC
2024-05-08T07:00:13+09:00     UserD

by anonymous

List times and users for which EC2 failed to start in the last 90 days

aws cloudtrail lookup-events \
--lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=RunInstances \
--query 'Events[?contains(CloudTrailEvent,`errorMessage`)].[EventTime, Username] | map(&[], @)' \
--output text


2024-05-10T07:00:19+09:00     i-5203422c
2024-05-08T07:00:16+09:00     UserC
2024-05-08T07:00:13+09:00     UserD

by anonymous

List the times, instance IDs, and users who launched EC2 in the past 90 days

aws cloudtrail lookup-events \
--lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=RunInstances \
--query 'Events[?!contains(CloudTrailEvent,`errorMessage`)].[EventTime, Resources[?ResourceType==`AWS::EC2::Instance`].ResourceName[], Username] | map(&[], @)' \
--output text


2024-05-10T07:00:19+09:00     i-5203422c       AutoScaling
2024-05-09T07:00:16+09:00     i-5203422d       UserA
2024-05-09T07:00:13+09:00     i-5203422e       UserB

by anonymous

List times and actions and users who interacted with a specific route table in the last 3 days

start=$(date --date '3 days ago' '+%s')
aws cloudtrail lookup-events \
--lookup-attributes AttributeKey=ResourceType,AttributeValue=AWS::EC2::RouteTable \
--start-time $start \
--query 'Events[?Resources[0].ResourceName==`rtb-01234567890123456`].[EventTime, EventName, Username]' \
--output text


2024-05-18T13:26:30+00:00       DeleteRoute     UserA
2024-05-18T13:25:42+00:00       CreateRoute     UserB
2024-05-18T13:05:00+00:00       AssociateRouteTable     UserA
2024-05-18T12:30:28+00:00       DeleteRoute     UserB

by anonymous

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